Revit Families – Structural Columns
Last updated January 10, 2025
By Ian Story
- For model lines, Revit appears to draw the most recently-created lines on top in the draw order stack.
- When a column is seen in projection (not cut), Revit draws column in its entirety regardless of how the View Range is set. There appears to be no way to have Revit only see the bottom of a column without also seeing the top view. If the view is drawn as wireframe, this means that all model lines will be drawn (both those on the top and bottom).
- Cut columns will only draw the part of the column above/below the cut: it is possible to filter which end gets drawn.
- Model lines draw on top of annotation lines.
- The “When cut in Plan/RCP” option in Visibility/Graphics Overrides appears to do nothing (it is grayed out and Revit doesn’t seem to respond to it).
- The “Show family pre-cut in plan view” option does exactly the opposite of what it says. If unchecked, the family will always display as cut. If checked, the family will properly distinguish whether it is cut or not.
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