Space Planning
Last updated October 11, 2024
By Emma Howland
- Perception of personal space varies between individuals, groups and cultures. The presence of other people, objects and the environment can expand or contract this sense of personal space.
- Intimate zone: physical contact zone- can cause discomfort if invaded by a stranger
- Personal Space: Allows friends to come close with brief moments of contact in the intimate zone. Conversation at low voice levels.
- Social Zone: Appropriate for informal, social and business transactions. communication occurs at normal to raised voice levels
- Public Zone: Formal and hierarchical relationships- loud and well enunciated conversation required
- The “Average Man” Fallacy: Design should accommodate the 5th or the 95th percentile, for example, for calculating for arm reach, the design should accommodate the 5% that has a shorter arm reach as it will function for the users with longer reaches as well.
Sources: Human Dimension and Interior Space
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