Written Explanation of Irregular Wood Diaphragm Calculations
Last updated September 22, 2023
By Aidan Phelan
The attached document is an incomplete written guide to running irregularly shaped flexible diaphragm calculations by hand. Most of the information within this document is a substantially condensed version of “The Analysis of Irregular Shaped Structures Diaphragms and Shear Walls” by R. Terry Malone and Robert W. Rice. If you are looking for a more fundamental understanding of diaphragms and why all this analysis is even necessary, read the second chapter of this book. Another important element of this book is that it walks through example problems for each of the cases discussed, which provides strong insight into the process. That being said this book is less consistent about providing clear steps and equations for solving general problems for each of the cases, hence this document was written.
Note that this is an Incomplete written guide, so not only will the accuracy of the equations and information provided never be guaranteed, the inaccuracy of some elements of this writeup is almost assuredly guaranteed. The real takeaway from this writeup is an understanding of the process; the general steps required to solve the case you are working with. Reference more trustworthy sources if you are running official calculations.
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